
Purpose french fries – storage

Plant characteristics

Maturity early maincrop
Initial development good
Flower colour purple
Average yield high
Sencor not sensitive

Tuber characteristics

Skin color yellow
Flesh color light yellow
Tuber shape oval
Tuberisation good
Regularity size regular
Dry matter content high
Cooking type quite floury
Harvest damage little sensitive
Black spot quite sensitive
Dormancy short
Superficiality of eyes shallow
Tubersize big



Spraing little susceptible
Erwinia little susceptible
Golden nematode: RO 1 and 4 resistant
Golden nematode: PA 2 and 3 susceptible
Yn-virus little susceptible
Yntn-virus quite resistant
Common Scab quite susceptible
Powdery Scab very susceptible
Late Blight-tuber quite resistant
Late Blight-foliage little susceptible
Wart disease 1 immune
Wart disease 2 susceptible
Wart disease 6 susceptible


Available Packing:

50 Kg

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